Thursday, February 21, 2013

Building Client Loyalty with Mobile Apps

With the 'what's in it for me?' generation, it's not enough for your spa, clinic, or wellness practice to sell products or must also sell loyalty.  Loyalty programs have become increasingly popular, partly in response to the fact that today's consumers need incentives to continue purchasing a particular brand.

To be effective, a loyalty program must give those customers something that reflects the spirit of a brand.  Cash is nice...but it really doesn't reflect the experience that you want your spa to create.  The more you are able to weave  experiences into the daily lives of your clients -- through apps and push notifications, for instance -- the more effective they will be.

Envision your customer receiving a digital coupon on your mobile device for a free 15 minute stress buster, just as they're approaching your spa or practice?  How cool is that!:)

We all know that keeping existing customers is much less expensive than acquiring new ones.  So it's important to develop and maintain relationships with the customers you already have.

Loyal customers come with another benefit:  They market a business to their friends and relatives, via status posts on Facebook, Twitter, etc. and that kind of word-of-mouth marketing is priceless!

So give loyalty building apps a try to develop long-lasting, relationship building with your most valued clients.

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