Thursday, August 30, 2012

Putting A Price on Value at Your Spa & Wellness Establishment

Often times, when business owners are asked what they think is the driving force in customer business, they will say "PRICE"!  However, what most of them don't realize is that price only becomes an issue when it is perceived as the only benefit of a spa service or product.  According to a recent article in Skin Inc.,  if you want to overcome price and increase sales and margins, owners need to teach their team, "how to establish real value" and then practice, practice, practice this skill repeatedly!

Statements like "We are the best...," "We offer superior customers service...," etc. will only get you so far.  In order to determine what is of "value" to your customer you must ask purposeful questions that sell on true value and not price.  Here are some suggestions:

1)  Write down your questions

2.)  Help the client understand what makes you and your spa, practice, business...successful

3.)  Practice this "value marketing" skill everyday!

If, after talking with clients, you discover that they can't afford the product or service being offered, then DO NOT lower the price or the perceived value. Instead, find a new client for the higher-end product or service, and work with your current client to find a lower-cost alternative.  By being honest and admitting that a service/product is not the best fit, you will acutally gain creditbility and trust instead of using "slippery" sales tactics to get a client to buy a service/product they can't afford.  For the best results, owners and their teams should sell clients on RESULTS at the best price to generate longer lasting relationships.

What have you done to set your spa or wellness business apart on value based marketing?  Share your ideas here.

Monday, August 27, 2012

3 Tips for Keeping People Subscribed to Your Email List

It seems that with the popularity of social media, many business owners have lost sight of the importance of email marketing.  As one of the oldest online marketing tools,  email marketing can still bring quality customers to your spa, clinic, or retail establishment if done correctly.  Here are 3 tips to creating and maintaining effective email marketing campaigns and lessen the likely-hood of opt outs:

  • Create Relevant Content - Think about it.  If you signed up for an email list and you got emails on a different subject or the content wasn't what you'd expected, you would unsubscribe right?  Keep in mind that the same applies to your customers.  Keep the content relevant by including things like skin care tips, stress reducing techniques, or information about products (like The Scandle Body Candle) that they can use to recreate a spa experience at home.

  • Keep A Consistent Marketing Schedule - If you send out a capaign and then several months go by before you send out another, you will probably have a drop in subscriptions.  Stay consistent and send emails when you originally said you would when they opted-in.

  • Create Interesting Content - Remember there are many spa, wellness, and massage practices out there...most of which have an email list.  If you don't have anything interesting for your readers, they will get bored and unsubscribe and go to a competing list to get what they want.  Create a survey to see what your customers would like to hear about (i.e. skin care tips, new products, coupons, etc.), subscribe to other newsletters related to yours to see what they're writing about, and look at your analytics after each campaign to see what garners the most interest.

Although these tips won't keep unsubscribes from ever happening, they will at least, minimize them.  What tips do you have for creating successful campaigns for your spa, wellness, or massage business?  Let's hear about them!

Friday, August 24, 2012

Friday Spa Treatment Feature - Untying Knots with Naga

If you're a fan of Thai massage, you might want to give Naga a whirl!;)   Based on the healing principles of Thai massage the treatment incorporates colored silk ribbons that are suspended from above and used as an extension of the therapist's body. The ribbons also help take clients into deeper stretches to release any remaining tension.

It goes beyond traditional Thai leverage-based moements into another realm with the use of aerial silks, allowing a a smooth and rhythmic flow to relax the body and promote an ease of movement. According the therapist using the technique,  a tension-less and open body plays an important role in not only balancing  the body but also promoting a peaceful mind.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

5 Ways to Charge What Your Worth

Let's face it, no matter if your a spa, a massage therapist, a holistic health/wellness pro...there's always someone out there that is willing to do what you do (or claim they do) for cheaper. So, how do you make sure price isn’t a sticking point with your clients? It starts with having these five key ingredients right in your business:

1.)  Protect your brand - This is where most business owners mess up.  They have something wrong with their brand that causes clients to only be concerned about price from the get-go.  Don't fall into this trap.  Your brand is more than a logo. It’s how your ideal client feels about you. Your ideal client conjures up these feelings when someone mentions your business name.  YOU are an integral part of your brand thanks to the enthusiasm, personal flair and individual attention you present to each of your clients.

2.)  Understand Your Numbers - Copying your competitors is not the answer. Start by understanding the cost of each sale you make: what it costs to pay your therapists, to keep the lights on, the supplies your using to pamper your guests...all of this comes into play when charging what you're worth.  Once you understand these numbers, you have your bare minimum price. Then you can look at setting a price based on demand. The key is to create demand the right ways to attract clients who love what you do, not by attracting the wrong price-sensitive buyers with discounts.

3.)  Make "Thrilling" Marketing Decisions - Marketing starts with products and services that your customers can’t easily get elsewhere. Your clients should go gaga love you if you want them to pay more for you.  To do that, you need to have offerings like The Scandle Body Candle for instance that is more than just your standard massage oil or spa candle but is both products rolled into one!;)  They need to be special enough to make someone want to talk about them, and not just because of the price.  The more customized your offerings are, the more difficult it will be for anyone to copy you and your perceived value will continue to rise (for a truly unique, custom might want to look into Private labeling).

4.)  Be Original When it Comes to Promoting - Promotion is what you do to tell people about your offerings – and it goes beyond paid advertising. Try to avoid traditional advertising and focus not on reaching the masses, but instead reaching the right people who may be drawn to what you do.   This could involve holding seminars, partnering with charities, or creating marketing collateral that "talks" to your clients and makes you stand out from the pack.

5)  Don't Be A "Used Car" Sales Person - Selling better doesn't mean smoozing and wheeling/dealing.  It's about building rapport with your clients.  Get to know your customer and spend time educating them.  Find out about their skin care needs and recommend products for those needs, for instance.  Sales at your spa, clinic, or retail setting should be relationship based and the service and experience should continue after the transaction.
* Reference - Duct Tape Marketing "5 Key Ingredients to Charging What Your Worth" by Sarah Petty

Monday, August 20, 2012

Love Can Buy Employee Happiness

In these trying economic times, as a spa/wellness business owner, you're probably feeling cautious about giving out raises and bonuses. The good news is that when times are tough, ther are plenty of ways to create a positive work environment in your spa, massage practice, holistic health/wellness business.

"People will never admit it but money is not the thing they desire most from their work," says Todd Patkin, author of Finding Happiness: One Man's Quest to Beat Drpession and Anxiety and - Finally - Let the Sunshine In (whew...heck of a title, huh?). Here are 4 tips to happy, engaged employees...which are the cornerstone to a successful bottom line:

  • Send "love" notes - Yes, you're busy but never underestimate the power of gratitude.  Writing a thank-you note when someone does something worthy can leave a lasting impression!

  • Distribute Inspiration - Make buoying your team's spirits one of your goals.  Helping them see the glass as half full will not only improve their attitude but their professional and personal productivity.  Every morning, for instance, Scandle posts an inspirational quote on their Facebook Wall.  A good start may be sharing those posts with your employees!:)

  • Share Success Stories - Many bad attitudes take root when employees feel as though they're being taken for granted.  Patkin advises to always praise in public as loudly as possible and criticize only in private.

  • Identify Stars - Celebrate those who shine in your spa.  Instead of singling out out just one person, you might consider celebrating several every month.

Even though times may feel tough , there are plenty of ways to create a positive work environment in your spa and wellness practice.  Do you have tips on how you foster a positive work environment at your establishment?  Let's hear about them below!:)

Friday, August 17, 2012

Scandle's Freaky Friday Feature - Whale Vomit Fragrance

Know that wonderful fragrance you smell in the spa, your candles, and perfumes...guess what? It could quite possibly be made from whale vomit!

Better known as "ambergris", this waxy substance formed in the stomach of a sperm whale. It protects the lining of the stomach from sharp "foods," like seashells and large squids, and when indigestion hits, the whale vomits it up.

Even though it probably smells rank when excreted it turns into a sweet-smelling rock that washes up on the beach, slowly over time and as such is used as a key ingredient in some of the best-smelling, high-end perfumes that are sold in department stores, spa products, beauty products, etc.

Because it is very hard to come by, however, ambergris is expensive stuff (roughly about $20 per gram)!

The good news is that a new natural substitute has become available.  According to Joerg Bohlmann, a professor at the University of British Columbia, "We've now discovered that a gene from balsam fir is much more efficient at producing such natural compounds, which could make production of this bio-product less expensive and more sustainable."  

...And honestly, I don't know about you, but I'd much more prefer a plant extract over something secreeted from the bowls of a whale any day!;)

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Strategic Retailing for Spas

One of the biggest challenges for spa, massage clinics, and holistic health retailers is how to retail products and make sales when you're limited on space? One key strategy is to continue the retail experience at home.

We've all heard of sending the customer a hand written "thank-you" card to thank them for their business and build repoire. But, how about including a detailed note about the client's goals and set what expectations you both have for the products you recommended and their continued use?

Also let the client know about when you'll be contacting them again whether or not they have booked another appointment.

Another helpful way to "replenish" your clients is to send educational e-newsletters, promotions, and rewards customized to clients' goals, rather than a standard one to all clients.

It's important to always replenish clients with education pertinent to their goals, with the opportunity to take their results to another level through services, and making it easy for them to contact you.  By providing clients with more opportunities, they will be more enticed to replenish their home-care products and spend more time enjoying your professional services as well!:)

Monday, August 13, 2012

4 Tips for A Successful LinkedIn Profile for Wellness Business Owners

As a spa, massage, wellness, or holistic health business owner...your goals for your LinkedIn profile are going to be very different from an individual looking to impress employers or recuiters.

LinkedIn has plenty of potential uses for a small-business owner: lead generation, marketing, and hiring, to name just a few.  The main difference from your profile for a wellness company standpoint is that your ultimate goal is to find customers for your business.  With this in mind, here are Scandle's 4 tips for spa, massage, & wellness business owners when creating and managing a LinkedIn profile:

  • Stick with accomplishments and metrics that matter to your current business. Otherwise, you run the risk of confusing and, possibly losing, prospective customers.

  • List only skills and expertise you get paid for.  For this section, the "less is more" rule applies.  Try to keep it under 10.

  • Make your profile’s content fully visible in internet searches, not just on LinkedIn. (Go to “Settings” and “Edit your public profile” to do so.)

  • Engage as a human being, not just a business. Participate in LinkedIn groups or start one of your own.

If you haven't already, make sure to connect with Scandle on LinkedIn and start growing your spa, massage, holistic health business in this important social media community!:)

Friday, August 10, 2012

Freaky Friday Feature - "Beetle Juice" Beauty

Today's Scandle's Freaky Friday beauty feature is not an inspiration from the movie Beetle Juice but acutally crushed up beetles! Eeeeewwww....

Cochineal beetles eat the prickly pear cactus in South America.  According to "The New York Times" when they are full of cactus juice, these insects are scraped off the plant, boiled and dried out and crushed into "carmine," which is used in a particular red dye that's used in some lipstick and blush to give you that healthy rosy glow.

 The good news is, as of last year, cosmetic companies have to disclose any bug ingredients in their makeup.  Thank goodness for that!:)  So would you use or sell this "cochineal" creation? ;)

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Spa Business Builder Tip - Going for Business Gold with 3 Olympic Tips

To win a gold medal, or to simply compete in the Olympics, is a dream that drives athletes to sacrifice and compete at an elite level that most people aren’t willing to do — yet there’s no money! (Last time I checked, you can’t retire on a gold medal.)  Similarly, business owners compete like Olympians on our businesses...making sacrifices after sacrifice for the ultimate gold medal - financial freedom! Here are 3 ways to apply winning Olympic principles to our everyday business regimen:

1.) Prepare - Business owners tend to get caught up in the day-to-day tasks that don’t push the business forward. Take some time to think through your ultimate goal; then write down the key milestones you need to achieve to hit your goal, and document your strategic plan.

2.) Execute - Execute on the steps outlined in your strategic plan. Like an athlete at the Olympics, leave the fear of failure behind.

3.) Review & Refine - Like an Olympian, as a business owner, you too must carefully review every important metric in your business on an ongoing basis. Then, based on test results, revise your strategic plan and return to the preparation phase with your newfound knowledge.

What other ways are business owners like Olympians and what principles can we learn and apply from them?

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Scandle's Summer Survival Business Tip

August can be the most challenging for spas, clinics, and wellness retailers because there are really no holidays to promote and budgets are allocated toward summer vacations and back-to-school. Here are a couple of ideas on stimulating business as kids, parents, and teachers get ready to head back to school:

  • Teachers - Mail an offer such as "Save X percent on your skincare and make-up needs," to each teacher at school and have it waiting in their inboxes.

  • Kids - Travel sized products are ideal for backpacks and lockers.  So stock travel sized versions of  "kid friendly" products.

  • Moms - How about an "I survived the summer" promotion offering a spa escape or home spa products like The Scandle Body Massage Candle for stress relief? Send out people (family, friends, whatever!) to hand out coupons, flyers, etc. at bus stops or car pool lanes where moms congregate.

These are just the tip of the iceburg when it comes to ideas to tie your sales/revenue into back to school dollars.  Have any of your own? Feel free to share below.:)

Friday, August 3, 2012

Freaky Friday Spa Treatment - Detoxification with Leeches

Well here's a unique spa treatment that really "SUCKS"!:) Today's featured Scandle Freaky Friday Spa Treatment is a leech treatment where for a mere $600 you can get whatever ails you sucked out.

Who would pay to have something like this done to them?  Well, how about actress Demi Moore who in an interview with David Letterman in 2008 said that her beauty regimen included going to an Austrian spa where she had leeches applied to her body as a detoxification measure.  Moore said, "You watch it swell up on your blood, watching it get fatter and fatter -- then when it's super drunk on your blood it just kind of rolls over like it's stumbling out of the bar."

So, what do you say...yay or nay to this medival method of detoxification?