Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Stop Selling and Start Helping!

According to Jay Baer, a social media strategist, author, speaker and President of Convince and Convert, "Sell something and you make a customer today. Help someone and you create a customer for life.”

Baer explains a concept called “Youtility” where you provide valuable content for your readers and customers, to the point where your company becomes valued, trusted, and synonymous with being useful. So when the time comes to get that massage or lose those excess pounds, your company is the obvious choice!

So as you sit there stumped on what to blog about or share on your social media pages with your clients, here are 5 things to think about:
  • What are your customer's needs?  If you specialize in nutrition, for example, share information on the latest foods that fight inflamation.  If you have a number of customers that are atheletes, share information on how to increase performance through supplementation.
  • Feed Your Customer's Needs - When you determine what your customer's needs are create a variety of content that answers those questions. Write a series of blog posts, create a video on YouTube, make an info-graphic, or create an educational event at your spa or clinic. By creating a variety of content, you’re being useful, but also giving readers various ways to interact with and learn.
  • Make "Youtility" a Process Not a Project - Helping your clients with useful content isn’t something you can put on your to-do list, and check off permanently. Why? Because our customers’ needs change.  Today they could be concerned about acne and cellulite and in another month...concerned about wrinkles how to get that summer tan!
So start helping your spa, massage, or wellness clients instead of trying to sell to them.  After all...the difference between helping and selling is just 2 letters!;)
Source:  "Start Helping and Stop Selling"  - Kim Stiglitz, Vertical Response

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Marketing to Mothers to Be

Looking for a way to grow your spa business?  Targeting your products and services to expectant mothers can open up a world of opportunity! According to Stacy Denney, founder/CEO of Belly Friendly, a prenatal training program for spas based in Corte Madera, California, “There are 16,000 pregnant moms entering the market every day in the United States. Couple that with the forward momentum of the national wellness movement, and the time is ripe to cultivate the pregnancy market." Here are some key ways to market to expectant mothers to create fertile results!

  • Make your spa a mother safe environment - Require therapist to get prenatal certification & continuing education.  To foster a pregnancy-friendly environment, every staff member should understand each trimester’s common aches and pains, as well as pregnancy myths, and emotional states.
  • Watch your lingo - Marketing to mothers to be requires speaking their language.  Your marketing language should emphasize ways in which your specialized services and products can ease and enhance the overall pregnancy experience.
  • Offer education and empathy - This can be done by offering a discount to first-time guests, a percentage off of a second service, and discounts around Mother’s Day and Pregnancy Awareness Month (May).  Consider designating a special “pregnancy section” in the retail area, featuring chemical-free products that are designed to make pregnancy easier such as Scandle Aromatherapy Lotion Candles to aid with stretch marks and relaxation.
  • Host special programs and events - This can be done during the pregnancy and then events that focus on family after the pregnancy.
  • Cross-promote with other businesses -Including local OB-GYNs, prenatal fitness, pregnancy retail outlets, or anywhere expectant mother's will be hanging out or shopping.
  • Cater Your Presence to Moms Online - Use the web to get the word out about your pregnancy services.  Make sure your online channels reflect the appropriate professional, educational and nurturing environment, and make your site as informative about pregnancy and prenatal wellness as possible.
  • Keep her on the appointment books - After your client gives birth, you want her to continue to come back your spa, so offer postpartum services for all her post-pregnancy needs.
Source:  "SPA MARKETING: The Pregnancy Market" by Tracy Morin - Day Spa Magazine

Monday, February 25, 2013

7 Quick Fixes For Your Email Blasts

If you send out regular email campaigns to your existing and future clients there are bound to be errors in the campaign from time to time. After're only human, right?;) But errors in campaigns can cause you to lose valuable subscribers.

The best way to catch mistakes in your email marketing messages is by sending out test emails to a few people who can check for formatting, grammatical, and spelling mistakes. Also, look for these simple (yet common) email errors:

1.) Setting Up Personalization Correctly - How many times have you seen an email saying "Hello [First Name]"?

2.) Sending Emails to the Right People - Make sure you have your lists segmented correctly (i.e. current customers, potential customers, etc.) and select the right ones to send to.

3.)  Have a Unsubscribe Option - Forgetting to add this is big mistake!

4.)  Offer Text Versions of Your Email - Many mobile devices can't handle HTML so be sure to offer them the option to read it in text only.

5.)  Be Sure to Include Links - Link back to products, services, and down loadable content on your website.  Also make it easy for people to email you back with questions.

6.)  Include Social Share Buttons - Forgetting to add social share buttons to any of your marketing communications is like forgetting to add your company name or signature...nuff said!

7.)  Hiding or Not Including Contact Information - Make it super easy for people to contact you – via phone, email, mail, fax, carrier pigeon, etc.  Put this information front and center!

What other common email errors have you seen in campaigns you receive from others?  Share them here.
Source:  "7 Quick Fixes for Common Email Marketing Mistakes,"  Monica Jansen

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Building Client Loyalty with Mobile Apps

With the 'what's in it for me?' generation, it's not enough for your spa, clinic, or wellness practice to sell products or must also sell loyalty.  Loyalty programs have become increasingly popular, partly in response to the fact that today's consumers need incentives to continue purchasing a particular brand.

To be effective, a loyalty program must give those customers something that reflects the spirit of a brand.  Cash is nice...but it really doesn't reflect the experience that you want your spa to create.  The more you are able to weave  experiences into the daily lives of your clients -- through apps and push notifications, for instance -- the more effective they will be.

Envision your customer receiving a digital coupon on your mobile device for a free 15 minute stress buster, just as they're approaching your spa or practice?  How cool is that!:)

We all know that keeping existing customers is much less expensive than acquiring new ones.  So it's important to develop and maintain relationships with the customers you already have.

Loyal customers come with another benefit:  They market a business to their friends and relatives, via status posts on Facebook, Twitter, etc. and that kind of word-of-mouth marketing is priceless!

So give loyalty building apps a try to develop long-lasting, relationship building with your most valued clients.

Monday, February 18, 2013

Get Focused! Three Diet Tips to Increase Productivity at Work

Raise your hands if skipping breakfast and going straight for the coffee is your morning ritual! As a business owner, I'm all too familiar with what it's like to be stressed out, sleepless, and making poor diet decisions. But working in an environment that sells and promotes products related to wellness and holistic health, I also know that what you eat can have an impact on your waistline and your health and your food choices can also have an impact on your energy and concentration at work. So, it's time to start practicing what I preach!;)

Weather you're a business owner or hard working employee, here's a few key nutritional habits that can boost your energy levels, keep your appetite and cravings under control, and help you feel more focused daily:

1.)  Eat breakfast.  (Gulp!)  Studies show that productivity drops a whopping 50 percent to 75 percent when you skip breakfast. But what you eat is also important. Starting your day with a balanced breakfast that includes protein will help keep you energized for about five to six hours as opposed to that donut that will only give you 1 to 2 hours of fuel.

2.)  Step away from the sugar. (Double Gulp!)  Sugar is cheap, tasty, and absolutely addicting drug for stress managment. When you experience stress, a dynamic is created in your brain in which dopamine is high and serotonin levels are low, creating an imbalance. To compensate, your brain makes you crave sugary foods for a quick burst of serotonin. Although that may sound like "zen"'s not because the serotonin levels quickly come crashing down. Eventually, your stress levels and mood can become erratic, making it difficult to focus.  Try fruits, nuts, and veggies instead.

3.)  Don't drink coffee on an empty stomach. (Triple Gulp!)  A lot of us  use caffeine as our main fuel source.   The caffeine in coffee can deplete serotonin levels for up to eight hours!   As a result, this will increase your stress as well as increase your sugar cravings, which, will lead to more brain fog (vicious cycle).  If you gotta have your cup of Joe...make sure to eat something first to slow down the absorption of caffeine.

Just these little tweaks to your diet alone will increase your energy throughout the day, help you manage your stress better, and work more efficiently. What tips do you have for increasing productivity during your busy day?  Share them here.
Source:  "Can't Focus at Work?  Your Diet May be to Blame."  by Barbara Mendez,

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Bee Venom Takes The "Sting" Out of Aging

In the 90's bee venom entered the skin care scene as a natural alternative to the hugely popular Botox trend.  Now, in 2013, bee venom is making a comeback as a key skin care ingredient.

Bee venom fools the skin into thinking it's been stung by the toxin melittin.  This toxin causes the body to direct blood into area which stimulates the production of collagen and elastin, particularly in menopausal skin.

Due to bee venom's anti-bacterial properties, you will soon be able to find it in everything from cleansing and moisturizing products.  Plus, because of its ability to restore and plump, you will also be able to find it in eye creams to deminish dark circles and give you that "bright-eyed and bushy-tailed" look.

As you know, Scandle is dedicated to cruelty-free products.  So, of course, we were concerned that such a product could cause a threat to the bee population.  As it turns out, no bees are actually harmed in the making of these products!  Venom is extracted using a glass surface know as a collector and is place along side the gate of the hive and features a weak electrical current.  The current ever  so gently encourages bees to sting a surface they can't penetrate, meaning their abdomens stay intact and they continue living a bee-autiful life!;)
Source:  "Is Bee Venom the New Skin Care Rage?"  Michelle  Yeomans

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Essential Oil Essentials...

It's a medically proven fact that essential aromatic oils benefit mental awareness, vision, memory, and even other people's perceptions of you (so if you want to make a better impression...listen up)!;)   Here's a run down of some popular essential oils and their benefits.

Lavender has been proven to slow down brain waves and promote relaxation, can also help soothe sunburned or irritated skin, minor scalds, and even insect bites.  Light a lavender spa candle and place it on top of your desk and sniff your way to stress management; apply lavender to your temples before you go to bed; or spray it in your house.  Recommended products:  Scandle's Calming or Tranquility Blend Massage Lotion Candles (infused with lavender essential oils).

Citrus oils such as neroli, lime, and grapefruit help clarify, uplift, and are excellent alternatives to caffeine.  Use these essential oils to energize your mind and body before driving, working out, or going online.  Recommended products:  Scandle's Uplifting, Rejuvinate, or Fresh Blend Body Oil Candles (infused with citrus aromatherapy oils).

Rosewood is a balancing, soothing scent that promotes inner peace, focus, and attention.  Sprinkle two or three drops in your bath or use as part of an at-home relaxation or meditation ritual.  Recommended Products:  Scandle Relaxation Blend Aromatherapy Spa Candle (infused with rosewood essential oils).

Other recommended uses for aromatherapy essential oils are sprinkling a few drops of your favorite oil on your dryer's lint screen to scent your sheets, towels, and clothing. Or dab a few drops on a tissue and pack it in your purse, computer bag, or luggage.
Source:  "Experts Guide to Aromatic Oils" by Kyle Roderick

Monday, February 4, 2013

Exfoliate Your Way to Healthier Skin

By now, the cold winter air has taken it's toll on your skin leaving in dull and lifeless. Here's a great skin treat get your glow back on until you can find the time and money to head out for that Spring Break Vacation on the beach!;)

Scandle Get Your Glow on Treatment: This is a simple, luxurious treatment that can be done at home or at one of our massage/spa service providers using The Scandle Body Lotion Candle/Scandle Shimmering Lotion Candle and Scandle's Turbinato Sugar Scrub or Scandle's Dead Sea Salt Scrub.
  •  Light your Scandle Body Candle and allow to burn until oil pool reaches edge of refillable ceramic canister with pour spout.
  •  Sprinkle  the salt/sugar on desired body area to be exfoliated and then pour the warm soothing melted Scandle oil on top of that in small amounts
  • Massage in circular motions on the skin.
  •  The other alternative is to place a small amt of salt or scrub in the palm of your hand and pour a small amount of Scandle oil either in your hand or on the desired body area and massage in.
  •  When done either rinse off or take a warm, damp towel and removing any excess salt or sugar from the skin.
If you own a spa or massage clinic, watch our Demos for this and other treatment ideas using The Scandle Body Candle!

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Limited Edition Valentine Day Fragrances Are Here!

vday_chocolatestraw_4697_s4x3_lgIt's that time of year again!  For a limited time, grab our popular Valentine Day fragrances before they're gone:

Chocolate Dipped Strawberry - Ripe red strawberry surrounded by creamy milk chocolate notes.

Sugar Kisses - A fruity blend of cotton candy, lemon drops, caramel and raspberry jam on a dry down of musk.

New Fragrances and Gifts to Boost Valentine Day Sales

Love is in the air!  Check out this month's Scandle Body Candle newsletter for new fragrances and products that will help your massage clinic, spa, or boutique boost profits!

[caption id="attachment_4905" align="aligncenter" width="350"]Valentine-Gift-Box-And-Cupid-485x728 Check out our January Newsletter[/caption]