Monday, August 20, 2012

Love Can Buy Employee Happiness

In these trying economic times, as a spa/wellness business owner, you're probably feeling cautious about giving out raises and bonuses. The good news is that when times are tough, ther are plenty of ways to create a positive work environment in your spa, massage practice, holistic health/wellness business.

"People will never admit it but money is not the thing they desire most from their work," says Todd Patkin, author of Finding Happiness: One Man's Quest to Beat Drpession and Anxiety and - Finally - Let the Sunshine In (whew...heck of a title, huh?). Here are 4 tips to happy, engaged employees...which are the cornerstone to a successful bottom line:

  • Send "love" notes - Yes, you're busy but never underestimate the power of gratitude.  Writing a thank-you note when someone does something worthy can leave a lasting impression!

  • Distribute Inspiration - Make buoying your team's spirits one of your goals.  Helping them see the glass as half full will not only improve their attitude but their professional and personal productivity.  Every morning, for instance, Scandle posts an inspirational quote on their Facebook Wall.  A good start may be sharing those posts with your employees!:)

  • Share Success Stories - Many bad attitudes take root when employees feel as though they're being taken for granted.  Patkin advises to always praise in public as loudly as possible and criticize only in private.

  • Identify Stars - Celebrate those who shine in your spa.  Instead of singling out out just one person, you might consider celebrating several every month.

Even though times may feel tough , there are plenty of ways to create a positive work environment in your spa and wellness practice.  Do you have tips on how you foster a positive work environment at your establishment?  Let's hear about them below!:)

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