If you're using
Pinterest to promote your spa, massage or holistic health practice one surefire way to optimize your pins for search and attract more traffic is by giving each one a targeted description that includes your relevant keywords in 500 characters or less. Here are some tips to writing Pinterest captions that will attract customers:
- Provide a Description - Clear, concise, and specific description of a pin can help pique a user's interest. Don't leave it to their imagination as to why you pinned the image.
- Spell Out the Specifics - Simply saying, " These are really great product picks," say something more specific like, "These are are our top product picks for keeping your skin looking fabulous this summer!"
- Link to Your Website - You can add live links to the captions below your pins simply by adding a URL to a pin's description and clicking the red "Save Pin" button. This will add traffic to your website or blog.
- Include A Call to Action - Descriptions that contain a call to action (i.e. read more, book a free consultation, sign up online, etc.) see an 80 percent increase in engagement.
- Add Testimonials - Include a testimonial from a happy customer.
- Use Keywords - Inclusion of keywords and phrases your target audience is searching for. This will also increase your Google search engine rankings.
What tips do you have for better pinning? Share them here and be sure to follow us on Pinterest at
Source: "How Your Pinterest Descriptions Can Attract Customers," by Karen Leland, Entrepreneur Magazine
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