We've all heard of sending the customer a hand written "thank-you" card to thank them for their business and build repoire. But, how about including a detailed note about the client's goals and set what expectations you both have for the products you recommended and their continued use?
Also let the client know about when you'll be contacting them again whether or not they have booked another appointment.
Another helpful way to "replenish" your clients is to send educational e-newsletters, promotions, and rewards customized to clients' goals, rather than a standard one to all clients.
It's important to always replenish clients with education pertinent to their goals, with the opportunity to take their results to another level through services, and making it easy for them to contact you. By providing clients with more opportunities, they will be more enticed to replenish their home-care products and spend more time enjoying your professional services as well!:)
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