Friday, September 28, 2012

Scandle Friday Treatment Feature - Water Shiatsu

Coccydynia is pain of the coccyx or tailbone – the  lowest bone in the spine.  While it can be damaged in an accident, the  pain can also be caused by childbirth. Symptoms can include an ache when sitting down and rising from a seat.  Talk about a pain in the rear!;) 

The Grand Resort Bad Ragaz, near  Zurich in Switzerland has recently introduced Water Shiatsu to help ease the pain of Coccydynia sufferers.  Water Shiatsu is a stretching and massage treatment  that takes place in a pool. The water  allows the vertebrae to be supported,  with the spine fully relaxed as it’s carrying no weight.

The treatment starts by strapping buoyancy aids to the legs.  The client then gets into the pool with the therapist who instructs them to shut their eyes and lean back. They are then led round the pool, while floating, with their head resting on the therapist's shoulder.  Music is usually played in the background and they are moved in a figure-of-eight shapes to rotate the spine.

After this service, clients report that their back and spine feel lighter and less stiff.   Sounds heavenly doesn't it?:)

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Social Media Tips for Growing Your Business

So you've taken the plunge and decided to go social with your spa, massage clinic, or wellness business.   You've got a Facebook account, Twitter account, Linked In Account, Google+, and even a Pinterest account.  So the big question you may be asking yourself is NOW WHAT?

If you're new to social media, here's 5 simple tips on how to get social:

1.)  Develop a strategy - Figure out who your target is and what is the best social outlets to reach them.  For instance, if you have a pretty substantial retail area, Pinterest may be ideal to post pictures of products to share with customers.  However if you don't have a lot of interesting pictures to share things like Pinterest and Instagram may not be for you.  Focus on content that will interest your customers to generate the best and most profitable relationships.

2.) Respond - If you don't have time to respond (typically within a 24 hour time period) then perhaps social media is not for you? Customers want to know someone is listening. The simple task of responding speaks volumes to your customer service.

3.)  Create Meaningful Content -  If you want to build a following, create content that makes you a leader in your industry.  If you don't have time to create your own, share some of the fabulous content already out there! Your followers will thank you for finding it for them.

4.)  Don't Duplicate - Posting the same thing to Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and the like is redundant and will cause you to lose followers. Tailor the content for each network and audience.

5.)  Self Promotion is Not How You Make Friends - Just like the real world...if you spend 100% of the time talking about yourself, people will get bored and unfriend you!  In social media, as well, you should foster conversation. It’s okay to tell your online community about a new product or promotion, as long as that’s not all you’re doing.

Need a social boost?  Post a picture of your Scandle Body Candle Service or Scandle Lotion Candle Retail display on our Facebook wall and we'll be happy to introduce you to our friends!:)

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Scandle Friday Feature - Bamboo Massage for Sacroiliac Joint Pain

Pain in the sacroiliac joint – where the  pelvis meets the spine – is common, especially in mothers who carry a child on  one hip.   The muscles go into spasm to try to stabilise  the area. The resulting inflammation may cause months of hip pain. In order to alleviate the pain, some massage therapists use Bamboo Massage.

The Bamboo Massage uses bamboo canes and oil to  provide a deep-tissue massage. Bamboo is covered with silica, which feels smooth  and silky on the skin. The firm pressure created by the canes being rolled up  and down the body releases muscle tension.

With this technique, therapists focus on the painful area in hip and buttocks by rolling a thick hollow bamboo cane up and  down the feet and legs. The same intense pressure is then applied to the hip  and buttock.  At the end of the session, the therapist will typically pound the hollow end of a bamboo cane hard down on the buttocks.

Have you tried Bamboo Massage or offer it at your establishment?  What are your thoughts and experiences with this technique?


Wednesday, September 19, 2012

It's Beginning to Look A Lot Like Christmas (Part 3)...'s true!  Less than 100 days till Christmas!  If you haven't noticed it already, the leaves are starting to change color and (here in Texas) there is a nip of Fall in the air.  At Scandle, in fact, we've already started our Fall/Holiday selling season (if you haven't seen our new Limited Edition Fragrances and Savings about it here)!  For the last few weeks we've been covering ways to start ramping up for the most important selling season of the year...the Holidays!  Part 1 discusses How to Host an October Pre-Holiday Sale and Part 2 talks about Creating Holiday Wish Lists and Shopping Nights.

Now, let's talk about one last thing that you absolutely, positively can not forget...Gift Certificates!  Gift certificate sales in November and December can carry you through the slower months of January and February, as they are being redeemed.  Oddly enough, however, most spas do not put a lot of thought in how to sell more of these for added holiday profits?

First set a goal on how many you want to sell based on previous years and then set up a promotion for gift certificates in your event fliers, etc to motivate clients to purchase the maximum amount.  Here are some promo ideas:

  • Offer a free service with purchase.  Try using a service you want to build more business for.

  • Offer a free gift with purchase.  Many of our customers use Scandle Travel Sized Body Candles  (which make great stocking stuffers!) or Scandles in our Refillable Ceramic Canisters (the refillable canister will encourage repeat business in the future too!) as an incentive.  When promoting this, make sure to list the regular retail value of the gift in your promotional materials so they know the value of what they're getting for free!:)

Well that's all folks!  Get creative, think out of the box, and have a hap-hap-happy Holiday Season!  Have any other successful holiday promotions at your spa or clinic?  Feel free to share them here!

Monday, September 17, 2012

Surveying Customers and Potential Clients to Improve Your Practice

Are you interested in finding out if clients are satisfied with your products or services, or if they enjoyed their visit to your spa or salon ...try running an e-mail survey to conduct some market research.  By conducting period surveys, you can find out information that will help you improve and grow your spa, massage, and wellness business. Generally speaking, there are 3 basic types of surveys:

1.)  Client Satisfaction Surveys - Ask what they liked or didn't like about products or services you offered, what can be improved or added, etc.

2.)  Business Satisfaction Surveys - Questions for business satisfaction relate to did they get the results they were expecting from a treatment, how friendly was the staff, was the location easy to find...etc.

3.)  Demographic Surveys - Ask questions relating to demographics that can be very useful for later marketing campaigns like what is your mailing address, email address, telephone number, cell number, etc.

You're probably thinking why would anyone want to take time to help me?  Well...give them a reason to!  To encourage them to fill out the survey offer them a freebie if they fill it out (i.e. sample products, free mini services, etc.).   You could also hold a free online contest or sweepstakes on your website and ask visitors to fill out a survey before they enter. You could also post your survey to appropriate newsgroups, forums and e-mail discussion lists, or hand them out at the reception desk.

Need some inspiration?  Take a look at our recent survey for a 10% discount on your Scandle Candle wholesale order!:)


Friday, September 14, 2012

Scandle Fall News & Specials

Check out the latest specials and limited edition fragrances in our current newsletter!


[caption id="attachment_4055" align="aligncenter" width="300"] Click here to read our September 2012 Newsletter![/caption]

Scandle Featured in Professional Beauty Magazine!

Check out the latest press in the latest issue of Professional Beauty!

[caption id="attachment_4047" align="aligncenter" width="266"] Click on the cover to read all about it![/caption]



Monday, September 10, 2012

All I Want for Christmas....

Today we continue our topic on planning for the most important profit opportunity of the year...The Holidays!  If you missed part one...make sure you read "It's Beginning to Look Alot Like Christmas."

Today's tip is fun one and one that can get your spa, clinic, or wellness practice a huge spike in sales and many new clients...A Client Holiday Wish List!:)  Toward the end of October ask clients to fill out a holiday wish.  The following is just a small sampling of questions you many choose to ask:  Favorite skin care products, favortie body products, favorite shampoos and conditions, favortie at home spa equipment, favorite nail products, favorite accessories, name, significant other's name and email address, other people they would like to receive the list along with email addresses and their relationship.  After this is done, start planning (with your staff) for 2 more events in November and December: 1.)  A Closed Door Shopping Night for Guys and 2.)  A Closed Door Shopping Night for Everyone.

For the closed door event for guys, pick a date to have an evening event and email only the men in your client's Holiday wish list.   This event will pretty much sell itself because you will be able to tell him you know what their significant other wanted for Christmas!  But add gift wrapping while he waits eating pizza and drinking and beer and you've definetely got a winning event!!!

For everyone else on your client's list (i.e. friends, moms, sisters, in-laws, children) have an event just for them and possibly team up with a local bakery or restaurant to provide free snacks and tips on baking or party hosting in exchange for handing out information about their business.  To maximize the selling potential for this event, have customers fill out a card with their name and email address and other contact info and have a drawing to win prizes...that way you will have all of their contact data for later!;)  Also make sure to have enough staff on hand to answer questions, book appointments, etc.

What other ideas can you think of to engage your customers, collect data, obtain new clients and maximize sales at events?  Please share them below.:)
Source – Skin Inc August 2012

Friday, September 7, 2012

Friday Feature - Hot New Trends in Wellness & Spa World

The International Spa Association (ISPA) recently held their annual convention in New York. At the convention, several new spa trends and services were spotted including parties at the spa, treatments for stressed and time-pressed consumers, cross-cultural traditions, and a whole lot of purple – from lavender-scented treatments to mauve colored nail polish! Here's a recap of some of the latest and greatest:

Sparty - Growing in popularity are events called 'spartys' that are booked in the spa space – for weddings, corporate events, etc. At a Sparty, invited guests get spa services either in groups or individually, then gathered back for lunch, cocktails, or hor d'ouvres. Definetely a fun and relaxing way to spend time with friends, family, or collegues!

Cross Cultural Techniques - In order to turn off the stress reponse, many massage therapists are turning to techniques acquired from other cultures including Thai Naga Massage, Middle Eastern Bathing & Exfoliating, and Aboriginal Massage that incorporates listening to didgeridoo music while the therapist shakes a rain stick and applies smooth, hot black basalt stones to the body.

Speed Spa - In a hurry? A new facial treatment called Hydra- Facial, available in 2,000 spas nationwide, offers five procedures in 15 minutes. There's also a quick-dry and waterproof nail polish mani and treatment and a experience that teaches insomniacs to relearn how to fall asleep through relaxation, aromatherapy, a soak and massage.

The Power of Purple - Purple is popular not only for color but as a concept. New trends include violet clay masks, massage with violet-infused oil, lavender aromatherapy and "chromatherapy" (color therapy with purple tones), elderberry facial, lavender foot scrub, and mauve colored nail polish with glitter.

All in all, The International Spa Association's annual look at the industry by the numbers found a slight uptick in 2011, with $13.4 billion in revenue and 156 million spa visits, a more than 4 percent increase from 2010, according to an analysis by PricewaterhouseCoopers of information provided by 1,000 destination and day spas in the United States.

The number of full-time employees in the industry is up, as well, by 9 percent, though part-time and contract employees declined slightly, as did the number of spa locations.

Good news for all of us in the wellness, massage, spa, industries!:)
*Source "Trends Swirl Up in the Spa World" Beth Harpaz AP

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

It's Beginning to Look A Lot Like Christmas!

Think back to last holiday season.  How were your sales?  Did you do the same promos, events, etc as the previous?  If you did and sales were down, don't expect anything different this year!  As the old saying goes, "Doing the same thing and expecting the same results is..."  (we'll let you fill in the blanks here)!

Now that Labor Day is over, retailers are starting to plan for this important time of year.  Stores last year started the season earlier, stayed open longer and offered better promotions.  Did yours?  It may be hard to believe that each year, consumers start their holiday shopping before Halloween to spread their spending out over a longer period of time.  Being the type of business that has a loyal, influx of repeat's up to you to take advantage of this at your spa, clinic, or practice and start cashing in on this important time of year for sales.

For the next 3 weeks, we will focus on ideas to help dirve your holiday business and strengthen your profits to increase your cash flow for the start of next year.   This week we talk about Hosting an October Pre-Halloween Sale:

Since you now know that clients like to start early to spread out their spending try taking advantage of that by pulling out items that were left over from last year.  Put specials on existing retail items on the shelf and get an early shipment of holiday items from your vendors.  For instance, Scandle has already stocking fall/holiday fragrances like Fig & Brown Sugar, Oatmeal Milk & Honey, Warm Varm Vanilla Sugar, and Limited Edition Faves like Autumn Harvest & Pumpkin Pie Spice!

Send out an email blast to clients for a period of time you know most of them have free, like 3 or 4 hours after work, for limited time specials, place announcemnts throughout our facility (i.e. in bathrooms, hand out with receipts, etc.) and send out post cards to your most important clients.

Make sure to decorate for the event, giving it a holiday feel.  Put up decorations, sale signs, and place products strategically on tables and shelves.  When the event is over, take down the decorations, etc until mid-November.

If you really want to go all out...partner with a restaurant to provide hor d'oeuvres and a quick demo on making holiday appetizers in exchange for handing out menus and other promos from their facility,

If your event is a success, you can bank on it becoming a regularly yearly event that your customers will look forward to!:)
*Source - Skin Inc August 2012